When it’s not sports, it’s movies for me. That isn’t often,
but often enough to warrant this post. That’s why the Oscars always fall at the
perfect time, at the end of February, in between the Super Bowl and March
Madness. With the holiday season in full force, here are my five favorite
Christmas movies.
5. Scrooged (1988): Bill Murray could play a role in almost
any spoof and it would be funny. No shot this movie makes my five with a
different protagonist.
4. Home Alone (1990): You know a movie is good when there’s
multiple sequels that all stink after that. There are some exceptions for
sequels, and Home Alone 2 is good as well, but the whole point of a sequel is
because of how good the first movie was. Joe Pesci is the perfect bad guy,
Catherine O’Hara nails the freaked-out mom role and Macaulay Culkin is your
ideal troublemaker. What’s not to like?
3. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946): I’m not as well-versed in
retro films as I am with retro athletes, but if you’re making a Christmas movie
list, it goes without saying that this belongs on there. I do enjoy a lot of
Jimmy Stewart movies and this is one of those movies that you never hear anyone
say anything bad about.
2. A Christmas Story (1983): I don’t care how many times TBS
shows it on Christmas. It’s a Christmas classic no matter what. Full credit to Jean
Shepherd for authoring the story and narrating the voice of adult Ralph Parker.
When you can buy the leg lamp online, that’s when you know your film has made
an impact.

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